The image and name of "Barbie" are copyrighted and trademarked by Mattel.  This web site and it's employees are in no way affiliated with Mattel.
Miss Carmen was a great learning experience for me.  I tried some things that worked (like re-positioning PTR arms in a manner that I was happy with, and creating a "ring" that went completely around her opened fingers).  I also learned a few things the hard way, like the fact that there's a right and wrong way to splice open fingers, and mauled fingers are hard to fix.  If you look carefully, you can see her hand is now resting on her hip instead of her side, giving much more attitude!
I was completely in love with the African Inspired cotton print, and I'll probably use this same fabic to make a more elaborate outfit.  But I could not resist making this casual outfit for her (since my days of wearing one like this are long gone!). Private Collection