The image and name of "Barbie" are copyrighted and trademarked by Mattel.  This web site and it's employees are in no way affiliated with Mattel.

Miss Lily is my thrift store wanna be I spoke of in the article "Ode to the Wanna-Be".  I don't know for certain, but I'm pretty sure she's around 35-40 years old.  Therefore, I did not bother her face paint, or her one original earring.  Note that her legs are molded to her body!  I believe this doll is a German knock-off named "Petra" from the Plasty Company, but I don't know for sure, therefore, she's retained the name "Hong Kong Lily".  Besides, I just like it better.  I tried to do a little someting with her hair, but it's not the quality fiber that Mattel uses, so I settled for this wavy ponytail.  It took an entire day to work the moldy, decayed rubberband remenants out of her hair.  She's wearing a simple green sheath with a hand embroidered and beaded shawl.  A matching lacy hat tops off the ensemble.  Unfortunately, she's currently shoeless (her feet are larger than Ken's), but I plan to attempt a pair of slippers for her one day!  'Till then, my barefoot contessa sports a gold beaded anklet to match her bracelet.  PERSONAL COLLECTION