The image and name of "Barbie" are copyrighted and trademarked by Mattel.  This web site and it's employees are in no way affiliated with Mattel.
Empress Renee is a gift for the wife of a co-worker.  I've never met her personally, but, from her loving husband's description, she sounds like a fabulous lady!  I made this doll in one evening, so I did not get the chance to do more elaborate styling with her kimono (such as beading) or enhance her facial paint.  But her coloring works nicely with the red roses that adorn her hair (not that you can tell either from these hastilly taken pictures).  She's formally a KB Toys Style Barbie.  Her kimono is created from a black and white cotton print with a black satin-like collar and a silver-toned sash!  The details of the kimono are not too clear in these pics, but I'll be using a kimono on two of the next five dolls I finish.  I've included a link for site where I purchased the kimono pattern for $1 in the links section for those of you interested in trying out this simple yet elegant design yourselves!!